While her friends are in town buying the latest fashion items, Mary-Matou stays indoors, reading Lady Cutteridge's latest litterary reviews. Apparently, everyone is into that new writter, Jane Austen. As she was about to order one of her books, a very small article caught her eyes. A little book, no more than thirty pages, full of romantic stories and pictures? That was exactly what Mary-Matou needed to enjoy her summer!*
*Merci Mary-Matou pour la jolie missive toute jaune que tu nous as envoyée! Parce que nos coeurs sont en marshmallow, nous te dédicaçons notre dernière histoire courte! À bientôt!
*This article is a present to Mary-Matou, who wrote a really pretty yellow letter to us recently!
Merci à ceux qui nous ont passé une commande récemment, nous avons beaucoup apprécié vos efforts pour rendre vos courriers si Mary!